We are FedHelp
Get the information, resources, and support you need to understand your federal benefits and make the most of them

Our Mission

FedHelp was created to help Federal employees understand and optimize their benefits, and avoid common costly, and often irreversible mistakes. We want to get to know the Federal employee as an individual and provide the education and resources they need before and during retirement.

Understand Your Benefits

FedHelp is dedicated to providing resources to educate and assist the Federal employee with understanding the package of benefits. Your FedHelp professional will help you identify the ways to get the most of your benefits. Contact us today.

Who Are You?

Whatever current stage of your career you are now in, it is prudent to review your benefits.
Reviewing your benefits and retirement plan can help you stay on track for the future. FedHelp is her to assist you with up-to-date information and resources.

More Than 5 years From Retirement

The period between 5 and 10 years prior to separation can be critical in setting yourself up for a successful retirement. During this time, you will need to make sure your TSP contributions, your FEGLI choices, and health care options are in line to support your retirement goals.

With your FedHelp professional as a guide, this is the time to be asking yourself the critical questions about what you want your retirement to look like.

Less Than 5 years From Retirement

This is the time to hone your plans. Based on your desired retirement date, your FedHelp representative will assist with estimating your total retirement income. Health Care and Life Insurance options will be reviewed, so you can update as needed.

Choices made during this period will have a significant impact on life after separation from service. Your FedHelp representative will provide information, resources, and guidance to help you optimize life in retirement.

Less Than One Year From Retirement

Congratulations! You have made it to the home stretch. However, this is not the time to coast. There is work to be done to make the transition into retirement. Your FedHelp representative will help you complete the process. You will need to confirm your eligibility date, complete all necessary paperwork, and plan for any gaps in income between employment and retirement income.

You have put in the time and earned your retirement income. Let your FedHelp representative support you in this final leg of your journey.

FEGLI Benefit

The Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance is the largest group life insurance plan in the world. Federal employees are automatically enrolled and are covered by the basic life. Additionally, the employee may choose from.

Retirement Savings

Federal employees’ have parts to their retirement savings. A pension – CSRS or FERS –benefit that will provide an income stream upon retirement. Additionally, a Thrift Savings Plan where the employee may pick the funds and receive matching funds up to the limit.


Retirement should be a time to enjoy everything you have worked so hard for. It is important to be armed with information about your benefits, and to ensure accuracy of your records. Keep your account information and current preferences updated to protect yourself and your loved ones.